Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Your dog's mental and physical fitness

In order to be well-adjusted pets, dogs need both mental and physical stimulation on a daily basis. The desire to "keep busy" is deeply ingrained in the majority of dogs.

Working, hunting, herding and guarding breeds are not the only ones with this need. Even small breeds of dogs retain a certain amount of work ethic--for example, a Yorkie with bows in its hair is still a terrier, and their owners know that these tiny guys still enjoy terrier-type behaviors, such as chasing and digging.
If not given an outlet for their energy, dogs of any size can become destructive, anxious or frustrated, causing numerous behavior problems.

Getting your dog the exercise he needs

So how much does exercise does your dog truly need? There's no concrete answer, but he needs enough exercise to feel genuinely tired. Most healthy dogs will benefit from exercise sessions both morning and evening. A safe, fenced area for off-leash exercise is ideal, but if you do not have access to this, snap a 20-30 foot long line on your dog to keep him safe and make sure he will come to you when exercising outdoors.

Unless your dog has a medical condition requiring limited exercise, then make at least one of your dog's outings an aerobic activity. Playing with other dogs off-leash in a fenced area, swimming, playing fetch or running beside a jogger or biker are all excellent aerobic exercises.

If you do not have a suitable outdoor area, train your dog to run on a treadmill, starting with just a few minutes, gradually working up to a 30 minute exercise session. Exercise of this nature will release endorphins which will have an overall calming effect on your dog's behavior, as well as many other health benefits.

Puppy-safe activities

Activities suited for adult dogs may not be safe for growing puppies. Playing is the best choice for a pup, whether it's off-leash with other dogs, or playing fetch or other games with their owner.
Jogging or biking on pavement are not safe exercises for young dogs whose bones are not fully formed. If you have any questions about whether or not a particular type of exercise is safe for your dog, check with your veterinarian.

Keeping Fido sharp

Don't forget mental stimulation! Training sessions keep a dog's brain sharp, as well as help develop the proper relationship between dog and owner. You should take steps to avoid boring or repetitive methods--training can include such activities as tricks or simple agility exercises, even playing games. Short training sessions are best, intermingled with play or rest sessions.

You can also use dinner time to expend mental and physical energy. Put your dog's regular kibble in a toy designed to provide mental stimulation, such as a Buster Cube or a Kong toy.

If you don't mind a small amount of clean-up, another way to add more fun for the dog is to cap a Kong that has been stuffed with kibble and treats with some cream cheese and put it in the freezer. Once frozen, place it in a paper (not plastic) bag with a chew stick and a treat or two. Dogs really love this fun way of working for their food and in the process more energy is spent, thereby helping insure a better behaved dog!

Source: Adapted from the ASPCA, by Dogtime.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Keeping Your Cat from Getting Bored

There is ample evidence that cats who spend their lives entirely indoors live much longer than their outdoor-only counterparts. But keeping an indoor cat happy as well as healthy means providing more than just good nutrition and regular veterinary care - you must also enrich your kitty's environment. Eliciting a cat's natural behaviors with hunting and foraging games can do wonders for your companion's well-being.
With a little creativity, you can keep your cat stimulated and interested, even in a small apartment and on a limited budget. And the good news is that enrichment research has shown that toys that are removed and then returned after several weeks regain much of their novelty; extend your enrichment budget by rotating your cat's toys regularly. Get started with a few of these feline friendly activities, but begin slowly and be sure to get a thumbs up from kitty's veterinarian.
Foraging Fun
Separate each day's food rations into small batches. Place the clusters around the house and then toss a few small treats in random directions. Not only will this encourage active foraging, it'll also keep kitty from scarfing down her food too quickly.
Pleasurable Puzzles
Toss a few treats into a square Rubbermaid® bottle and leave it on the floor with the lid off for a great beginner puzzle.
Any plastic container with a secure lid can become a hanging puzzle. Just cut two or three slots around the bottom outer edge of the container and place a few treats in the center. String a cord through the lid and hang this puzzle over a doorknob. Once your cat gets the hang of it, you can encourage exercise by raising it higher.
Scent Searching
Use old socks as washable scent baits. Just mark the sock with a dab of perfume, lotion, vanilla extract or even peanut butter, or place a pinch of any aromatic spice inside, then rub it over a slice of lunchmeat to pick up the scent. Scatter the socks throughout the house and your cat will be on the prowl for hours, delighted by the variety of scents. If you're pressed for time, simply mark a scent trail with a bit of cheese and then hide the cheese at the end of the trail.
Bird Watching
Attach a suction-cup bird feeder outside your cat's favorite window. Hungry birds will provide hours of entertainment. Don't place feeders too close to the ground as it leaves birds vulnerable to enemy attacks, and be sure to keep the window closed - 'excited cats can push right through screens.
Mouse Trap
Leave a ping-pong ball in the bathtub and watch as your cat makes it sail around the curves during her hunt for the elusive orb.
Crafty Cardboard
Use cardboard boxes as beds, dens, tunnels and mazes.
Make a "busy box" by attaching small toys to short lengths of cord and suspending them from the ceiling of a large box. Cut window flaps in the den at various heights.
Add a "Tiger Tug," ' a miniature version of a game popular with both tigers and chimps. Feed both ends of a length of parachute cord into the box through small holes. Tie a toy or a large knot on each end. When the cat tugs at one end, the other end mysteriously comes to life. For multicat households, run the ends into separate boxes.

W.R. Shaw is a freelance writer who lives and works in the Pacific Northwest. She credits her expertise in enrichment to 16 years working with chimpanzees and to the playful demands of her Norwegian forest cat, Finn.
© ASPCA 2002

Article Posted by PetFinder