Friday, April 20, 2012

Mobilize the Earth for Earth Day 2012

The first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life to speak out against the deterioration of the environment and demand change. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency was created, the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts were passed,and the modern environmental movement was born.

Today, more than 1 billion people in 192 countries participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. This year, in the face of global inaction on pressing environmental problems, we must harness that power.

Earth Day Network is calling upon individuals, organizations, businesses and governments to Mobilize the Earth™ and demand that environmental issues become a top priority.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pets & Grills

Did you know that some of the most common foods we eat during our cookouts are the most dangerous foods for our pets? Meat with bones in it, such as chicken and ribs, are extremely dangerous for our pets to get a hold of…bones can puncture the stomach and other organs if swallowed because they cannot be digested. Corn-on-the-cob can also be dangerous because dogs have been known to swallow the cob whole! What do you do to keep your dog busy with something else during the barbeque?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Puppy Play Group

Join us with your new puppy for a unique opportunity for socialization in a safe, supervised environment before you start formal training classes.

• Tuesday evenings 6:00 to 7:00pm at the Animal Hospital of Nashua
• Puppies 8 to 14 weeks old
• Must be healthy, parasite-free and vaccinated (age appropriate)
• Cost is $10 per session, pay as you go, come when you like
• Space is limited to 5 puppies
• Call or email to reserve a spot at 603.880.3034 or